KIM Larisa Valentinovna
KIM Larisa Valentinovna (27.02.1958, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, RF) - ensemble artist, teacher, ballet master. Holder of the "Dostyk" Order II degree (2008), Associate professor (2018), Laureate of the "Sakhnager-2017" National Theater Award in the nomination "Best Ballet Master".
She graduated from Almaty Choreographic School on specialty "Artist of the Folk Dance Ensemble" (1972-1977), teachers: M.Z. Akhmediyev, I.K. Olzoyeva, A.G. Gabitova; T. Zhurgenov Kazakh State Institute of Theater and Cinema (1994-1999), workshop of B.G. Ayukhanov.
1977-1996 - soloist of the State Republican Korean Theater of Musical Comedy. In 1996 completed an internship at the National State Theater of the Republic of Korea” (Seoul).
1996-2006 - ballet master of the State Academic Dance Theater of the RK under the leadership of B. Ayukhanov, in which she staged productions: "Oceanopolis" to music by D. Skuben (1999), "Legends of the Diamond Mountains" to the music of Kim Myung Seom (1998), "Rondo Veneziano" to the music by J. Haydn, W. Mozart (2001), "Moments" (pages from personal life) to the music by F. Chopin (2003), "Fox charms, or the art of transformation" to the music by H. Miyazaki (2004), “Dala dastany” (co-authors T. Izim, G. Saitova, L. Alpiyeva, G. G. Gabbasovs) to the music by G. Zhubanova (1997), "Dandelion", "Wind of Youth" to the music by F. Goya (2002), "Romance" to the music by P. Tchaikovsky (2004). In 2006 -chief ballet master of the Korean theater.
Performances at the Republican Korean Theater of Musical Comedy, including concert programs: “Melodies of Love”, “Dance Evening”, “Through Generations”; choreographic design of musical performances: “Who, if not you?”, “Kenu-Tine”; "The Tale of the Yangban", "Spring Wind", "Servant of Two Masters", "Kim Seon-dal’s Tricks", etc. For the State Dance Ensemble of Kyrgyzstan, she staged the female dance "Pearl" to the music of Ya. Khan (1998); in the SFDE "Altynay" the suite "Friendship" to the music by E. Bogushevsky (1997). Choreographic miniature "Night Bird" for A. Tynykpayeva (Diploma winner of the International ballet competition in Moscow (2002).
1997-2004 - lecturer at the A.V. Seleznev ACS; 1998-2001 - teacher and Head of the Choreographic Department of the Zh. Elebekov Republican College of Circus and Performing Arts; 2004-2022 - teacher, professor, Head of Department "Pedagogy of Choreography" of the Faculty "Choreography" at the T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA. Author of the textbook "Dances of the world's peoples" (2017), manuals on career guidance (2018), one of the authors of the joint monograph "Traditional dances of the Turkic peoples" (2021), participant in the International and Republican scientific and practical conferences and author of scientific articles on the issues of choreographic pedagogy and contemporary ballet directing.
Director-ballet master of Gala concerts, major cultural projects: 6th OSCE Session, the Festival of Arts of the SCO Member States, the Festival of Cultures of the EurAsEC Peoples, "Astana - the Capital of the Turkic World", the annual "Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan", "Day of National Unity", "20th anniversary of the Independence of the RK", "25th anniversary of the Independence of the RK", "550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate", etc.